


Mother and Baby care at Home

Mother and Baby care at Home

Why Is Mother Care Important?

One of the greatest joys a woman can experience in her entire lifetime is the transition to motherhood. Giving birth is a very fulfilling experience for a woman to have experienced. However, the responsibilities and duties associated with mother care frequently prove to be among the most challenging, particularly if caregivers are unaware of what is crucial for mother’s care. Mother care is one of the most important aspects of the postnatal process. This process is especially important for new mothers because they require more nutrition and care at this time. After all, they also have their child to take care of. Depending on the various needs of each mother, there are numerous different methods of mother care in Dubai.

Why is it crucial to take care of a Mother?

The postpartum period is the time following the birth of the baby.  However, most families think about their child’s health at that point of time. Taking care of the mother is equivalently important and she must not be ignored. The mother’s health has a huge impact on the baby as well. The baby will eventually suffer if the mother’s health is not up to the mark. Therefore, it is imperative to prioritize mother care. Because your baby eats what you eat, maintaining a healthy diet is crucial. To ensure that her child is getting proper nutrition for healthy development and growth, a mother should always eat a balanced diet and drink plenty of water.

If the mother is unable to recover and is persistently weak and tired due to the lack of sound sleep and rest, the baby will also ultimately be deprived of the motherly care and affection that is so much more important during this period.

The healing process is slowed down for the mothers who have vaginal infections and UTIs. Therefore, due to this the baby is also in danger of getting infectious diseases. Especially, In the case of a premature baby, the mother needs to be in perfect health as they have to put all of their attention on the care of the premature baby.

Necessary newborn care

Every newborn, everywhere in the world, has a right to premium-quality newborn healthcare. Babies should be fed on time, should be kept warm, must be protected from injury and infection, and breathe normally. Every infant should have access to the vital care that every baby needs in the first few days after birth, known as essential newborn care. Both immediate care at the time of birth and essential care throughout the entire newborn period are included in essential newborn care. Both at home and in a medical facility, it is necessary.

Crucial newborn care includes the following aspects:-

  • Immediate postpartum care (delayed cord clamping, thorough drying, breathing assessment, skin-to-skin contact, early breastfeeding initiation)
  • Heat protection
  • Assistance with breastfeeding
  • Providing necessary care
  • Prevention of infection
  • Evaluation of health issues
  • Observing danger signs and taking action
  • Prompt and secure referral when required

Massaging your infant

Nothing is better for your infant than a good, traditional relaxing massage. Whether using baby lotion or oil, massaging the body ensures that it reaches the skin’s deepest layers and keeps the skin nourished and moisturized from the inside out. Regular baby massage will not only hydrate the skin and build muscles but will also increase blood circulation and relax the infant.

Bathe your child!

Daily baths for infants will prevent infections by maintaining perfect hygiene. Giving your baby a relaxing bath. Baby products often leave the baby’s skin soft and smooth. Make sure to use toxin-free and fragrance-free products. To gently clean, moisturize, and nurture their sensitive skin without removing their natural body oils, use gentle baby bathing products.

Feed your infant’s face.

While the baby’s skin is extremely sensitive compared to the rest of their body, every part of their body needs extreme care and moisture. Make sure the baby’s face moisturizer you purchase is fragrance-, paraben-, sulfate-, and formaldehyde-free. You should consider applying these mild, skin-protecting, and hydrating face creams to your baby’s face after a bath or whenever you wash their face. It aids in hydration absorption and moisture retention in the skin.

Baby wipes

When being fed, babies frequently create a mess. To clean them, keep baby wipes handy at all times. These help keep your baby’s skin clean without drying it out. Baby wipes contain no alcohol and are very useful when changing a diaper. Show your love and guarantee your little bundle of joy the best care with these little wipes by your side.

Clean your hands.

Baby skin is extremely sensitive and prone to rashes and infections. Always remember to fully wash your hands before massaging, hydrating, or oiling your baby. Because babies’ immune systems are still developing, you should be sure that anybody who comes in contact with your baby has clean hands.

How can you and your baby benefit from Early Essential Newborn Care (EENC)?

Early Essential Newborn Care (EENC) is a collection of essential services that begins as soon as the baby is delivered with immediate skin-to-skin contact between you and the infant. EENC allows the mother to pass on to the baby life-saving warmth, placental blood, and protective microbes. Your kid gets pinker, calmer, stronger, and healthier because of this straightforward gesture of love. EENC encourages a healthy connection between you and your child. Initiated by EENC, exclusive breastfeeding ensures that infants receive all the nutrients, antibodies, and immunological cells they need to stay healthy. Long-term skin-to-skin contact for at least 90 minutes is advised.

Care of the mother and the newborn after birth

Some women will give birth at home with a skilled attendant present, while others might not. After giving birth there, some women choose to stay there for a while. The WHO advises against releasing a woman before 24 hours have passed since giving birth. Regardless of the location of the birth, someone close to the mother must stay with the mother and the baby for the first 24 hours to monitor their conditions. The first 24 hours can be full of complications. The mother and child must undergo a postnatal examination as soon as possible after giving birth at home, ideally within 24 hours.

If the birth took place in a medical healthcare facility, then the mother and child should be examined postpartum before being released. Following delivery, there are several crucial issues to go over with the mother and her family to make sure the mother is taken care of properly.

Important topics to discuss with new mothers and their families right away!

  • The value of being close by for the first 24 hours.
  • The significance of postnatal visits and the ideal timing for them.
  • To ensure that women have access to a healthy diet, discuss the significance of the new mother eating more and better foods in the context of regional customs and taboos. Additionally, the new mother needs to drink a lot of pure, secure water.
  • The value of relaxation and sleep as well as the need to avoid strenuous physical labor.
  • Discuss with the women how much and for how long blood loss is normal for the postpartum period and lochia. They should get help right away if they are bleeding more than usual.
  • Talk about the need for prompt assistance and the danger signs for the mother and child.
  • Personal hygiene about the surroundings and customs in the area. Talk to women about the type of pads they will use, how to dispose of them, and how to take care of an episiotomy in the context of their living arrangements. It’s crucial to wash your hands frequently to avoid infections. Additionally, it’s crucial to avoid putting anything inside the vagina.
  • Discuss with them the appropriate time to resume sex as well as the necessity of using condoms to prevent the spread of STIs and HIV. The perineal wound should heal before engaging in sexual activity. Talk about the value of birth spacing and offer advice on family planning techniques.
  • Discuss breastfeeding, breast care, and the significance of taking only prescribed medications during this time.
  • Describe the significance of the home environment in promoting the mother’s recovery and the baby’s health. For instance, talk about how both mother and baby need to be warm, have good ventilation, and maintain hygiene.
  • Discuss the significance of the mother and child sleeping beneath an insecticide-treated bednet in a malaria-prone area.

Delivering sufficient care inside the home

Women require additional care in the first few weeks after giving birth, especially assistance from partners and families. Labor, childbirth, breastfeeding, and caring for a newborn cause a lot of physical exertion for the mother alone. As they adjust to life with their new baby, women must regain their strength and maintain their health.

Similar to when they were pregnant, postpartum women too need to keep up a healthy diet. For three months following delivery, supplements with iron and folic acid should also be taken after consulting with your doctor. You can also consult our doctors at Breastfeeding mothers should consume enough clean water and additional food. With very thin women and teenagers who might benefit from additional information, you should devote more time to nutrition counseling so they can get a balanced diet. When one is available, you might occasionally need to refer women to a nutritionist. It is significant to note that access to some foods may be restricted for women due to poverty. A useful component of the counseling session may involve looking into less expensive options.


  • Give examples of how much to eat and encourage the woman to eat more of a variety of healthy foods like meat, fish, cereals, beans, vegetables, cheese, and milk to feel better and stronger.
  • Reassure the mother that she is free to consume any typical foods because doing so won’t harm the nursing infant.
  • Discuss any nutritionally healthy food taboos that may exist.
  • Speak with her partner or other family members to persuade them to see to it that she eats enough and stays away from strenuous physical labor.


You should refer the mother to more specialized help if she suffers most of the time, is unable to function normally, and/or neglects herself or the child. If more advanced psychosocial treatments do not work, health professionals or counselors with training in treating depression may prescribe medication or refer patients to mental health specialists.

It is critical that the mother receives immediate assistance and support and is not left alone if there is a risk of self-harm or if she is having suicidal thoughts. Take away any tools she might use to harm herself and assign someone to keep her safe while you arrange for specialized mental health care.

Our Support

We offer comprehensive support and care to expectant mothers and their newborns through our services, ensuring their health and well-being both during pregnancy and after delivery.

Nutritional Advice: To ensure that mothers receive the proper nutrients for their own health and their baby’s development, we offer professional guidance from qualified medical healthcare providers. We offer individualized dietary advice to ensure a healthy and nutritious diet.

Prenatal Care: To track the development of your pregnancy, our medical professionals perform routine check-ups. These appointments enable us to spot potential problems early on and take action to prevent them, resulting in a safe and healthy pregnancy.

Postpartum Support: After giving birth, we continue to support and look after both you and your new baby. Our staff keeps an eye on your mental and emotional health and provides support and advice as necessary.

Support for Breastfeeding: If you decide to breastfeed, our lactation consultants are available to assist you. They provide advice on how to breastfeed effectively, work through any difficulties you might run into, and make sure your baby is receiving the right nutrition.

Childcare services: Our medical staff can help with newborn care, offering advice on feeding, hygiene, and general well-being, giving you peace of mind as you look after your precious little one.

Support on an emotional level: Pregnancy and the time following childbirth can be emotionally taxing. We offer our support to enable you to face this journey with courage and resiliency.

Education: We provide educational resources so that you are aware of the best practices for infant care, prenatal and postnatal care, and proper nutrition. This will enable you to decide what is best for your family.

With a focus on your health, comfort, and the well-being of your newborn, our services represent a holistic approach to maternal and child healthcare, laying the groundwork for a happy and healthy future together.

Giving birth is a very fulfilling experience for a woman to have experienced.
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